Saturday, December 24, 2011

How To Install A Water Softener

!9#: How To Install A Water Softener

You've researched and purchased a water softener, the next step is to learn how to install a water softener. In order to be sure that the machine that you've spent your time researching and money purchasing works properly, you must know how to install it properly.

Your water softener should have come with installation instructions and these will be important to pay attention to. Each water softener will have their own specifics when it comes to their actual installation, but there are several aspects of water softener installation that are common to all types.

The location that you choose for your water softener should be given much consideration. If the tank is kept indoors it is very important that it be kept in a dry area that does not have much fluctuation in temperatures. If the water softener that you've chosen is two tanks be sure that two are close together and the brine tank is the one that is most accessible.

That is the one that you will need to refill so you'll be able to get to it when necessary. If your tank will be installed outdoors it will need to be located in an area that is away from the direct sunlight. Many tanks can be purchased with a jacket that will protect the unit from the sunlight and other inclement weather.

In addition to the electricity outlet location, which needs to be less than 50 feet from the water softener unit, you will also need to have a drain in the vicinity that is at least 1 1/2 inches in diameter. You may use tubing to extend to a drain that is slightly out of the way. You may choose flexible tubing or a more rigid PVC tube. Either one should extend to the drain so that the backwash will be directed to that drain and not elsewhere.

If your media is not installed in your tank prior to installation, you will have to do this step as well. The way you install this will depend upon the size of your tank and whether or not your tank has a turbulator. A larger tank of 64,000 grains or a tank that does not have a turbulator will require a gravel underbed.

Once the gravel is in place you will be able to follow the directions and install the media in the tank. Following this you will be able to install the bypass valve and then the inlet outlet water connections according to the included instructions.

The next step in the water softener installation process will be to take the brine tubing and connect the water softener control valve and the brine tank. Once this tubing is in place you can connect the brine tank overflow. You can do this by attaching the 5/8'' tubing from the brine tank and run it to the drain.

Then you need to program the control that will be responsible for softening the water correctly. Run the backwash cycle and look for leaks and tighten any loose fittings. Watch the tank as it runs through a cycle of water to be sure that everything works correctly.

The preceding instructions are very general and should only be applied in combination with the instructions that have come with your unit. Learning how to install a water softener doesn't have to be difficult. In no time you'll have a working unit and will not have to deal with the expense or hassles of having someone else install your unit.

How To Install A Water Softener

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Effectively Remove Contaminants, Including Radon From Your Water Supply

!9#: Effectively Remove Contaminants, Including Radon From Your Water Supply

Water is the most precious and vital resource on earth. All living organisms need clean water in order to sustain life. But what can be done if our water supply becomes contaminated with dangerous poisons and toxins? The best and safest way to deal with this impending problem is through filtration. However, not all water filtration systems work in removing all contaminants. The most common filtration methods for removing harmful contaminants from water are reverse osmosis, granular activated carbon and carbon block filters (GAC), and kinetic degradation fluxion (KDF).

Granular Activated Carbon and Carbon Block Filters

Carbon has long been used to absorb impurities and is considered the most powerful absorbent known to man. An electro-positive charge is added to activate carbon, which allows it to attract more chemicals and impurities. For in home use, activated carbon filters contain either granular activated carbon (GAC) or powered block carbon. Both are effective, but carbon block filters remove more contaminants. Keep in mind two important factors when looking for quality water systems. The amount of carbon in the filter (the more the better), and the amount of time the carbon spends with the water (the slower the flow rate the more contaminants are removed).

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is the most common water treatment system for eliminating contaminants from water. It is widely used by most bottled water companies. This system is able to remove the smallest of dangerous particles from water, but even this system uses GAC filters for complete contaminant removal.

Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (KDF)

Kinetic Degradation Fluxion is a copper-zinc formulation that uses a chemical process called redox (oxidation/reduction). This process removes chlorine, mercury, hydrogen sulfide, lead and iron from water. KDF is often used in conjunction with other technologies, mostly carbon. This system is most effective in handling the higher water temperatures of showers.

The following is a list that contains a few common water contaminants that are found in public and private water supplies across the U.S. And Canada. We will discuss how each system works on contaminants. Should you suspect levels of contamination in your home water or air supplies, have them tested by an accredited lab.
Radon is a odorless, colorless, water-soluble gas that naturally occurs from the decay of radium. When radon breaks down or "decays," it forms others chemicals. Radon is a well known cancer-causing chemical and all 50 states have tested positive for high levels of this. If your home has granite, volcanic rock or sedimentary rocks containing phosphate products like counter tops, it may be a good idea to have the air quality in your home checked.

The most effective way to remove radon from your water supply is through granular activated carbon using carbon block filters.
Chlorine is a disinfectant used in municipal water plants to kill bacteria. The problem is that when chlorine reacts with organic materials in the water, it creates chloroform and other harmful by-products which have been strongly linked to cancer. Along with drinking this water, our bodies absorb chlorine through the skin when we shower. This is compared to drinking up to ten glasses of tap water in one setting and by using hot water, pores of the skin dilate, allowing chlorine and other free radicals to be absorbed quickly.

The most effective way to remove radon from your water supply is through granular activated carbon using carbon block filters and kinetic degradation fluxion.
Arsenic is a chemical found naturally in rocks and soil and water becomes contaminated when it touches these rocks and soil. At high levels of exposure, arsenic is a well known carcinogen and have been associated with diabetes.

The most effective way to remove mercury from your water supply is through reverse osmosis.
Mercury is considered a heavy metal, like copper, iron and lead and these are dense, metallic elements. The problems that mercury causes are not with water supplies itself because of its low levels, but when certain bacteria transform mercury to methyl mercury, concentrated levels of this chemical come up through the food chain which can cause malformations.

As you can see, filtering water is the safest way to keep harmful contaminants out of the body. Even though our bodies have built-in filtering systems, we're just not made to process these and other toxins without grave consequences. And with the recent devastation in Japan, the world over needs better ways to improve the quality of our water and air supply.

Effectively Remove Contaminants, Including Radon From Your Water Supply

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Review of Popular Water Softener Products

!9#: A Review of Popular Water Softener Products

With so many types and brands of water softeners to choose from, how does a consumer decide what is right for their needs? How does one compare water softeners and find the one that will work the best for them? When it comes to buying water softeners, being an educated consumer is the best policy. Explore different types and manufacturers. Compare prices. Other things to consider are what type of environment the water softener will be set up in, size, installation, construction of the unit, convenience, and water softener rating which indicates the amount of minerals that can be removed before the unit needs to be recharged.

Kinetico water softeners are favored for their convenience; however, they are expensive in terms of the unit's cost as well as the price of upkeep. They recharge based on volume, eliminating the need for a schedule. Kinetico water softeners are also non-electric units.

Culligan services residential customers, offering purchase and rental options for their water softeners. They also offer a salt delivery service with the purchase of a water softener. Culligan is favored for its durability, but some have trouble with salt refills and strength of some of the components. Culligan is also said to be good at removing iron from the water supply.

Kenmore, in addition to being known for its air filtration and other household appliances, offers a range of water softeners, from the very basic to the heavy-duty models. The Kenmore systems also offer extras like the ability to filter out larger particles and added settings that make the units more efficient. Kenmore contends that the cost of everyday household upkeep can be cut in half with the use of a water softener system.

General Electric, or GE, founded by none other than Thomas Edison, offers a diverse line of products, including water softeners. The business is run on the principles, ""imagine, solve, build, and lead."" GE offers water softeners small enough to accommodate a single-person household all the way up to a unit that will serve a household of four or more people. The GE water softeners include a technology called SmartSoft, which works through a low-capacity transformer to save energy, minimize salt loss, and gauge water softening needs.

There are numerous water softener vendors out there who sell both ionic exchange and magnetic water softening systems. To find the best water softeners is a daunting task, but a good start might be to visit your local hardware store. You can also get information from people around you such as neighbors or coworkers.

A Review of Popular Water Softener Products

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Five Steps to Cleaner Tap Water: Reduce Contaminants and Improve Taste

!9# Five Steps to Cleaner Tap Water: Reduce Contaminants and Improve Taste

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Do you want to kick your habit with the bottle? (I am speaking of bottled water, in this case.)

Frankly, it's the smart thing to do economically. Considering the bigger picture, it's the right thing to do ecologically. In other words, it's a healthy choice for both your wallet and our planet. With that in mind, here is some simple advice to reduce unwanted substances in the water you drink and enhance its taste. Start with just a few basic steps:

1. Flush your pipes, and use the cold tap for both cooking and drinking. Heavy metals such as mercury and lead can build up in the water from your house's plumbing. Increased exposure to these heavy metals can have serious health consequences, especially for the development of the nervous system in babies and young children. Adults also may experience potentially adverse effects from heavy metals with the onset of hypertension and kidney problems when exposed for extended periods of time to levels exceeding EPA limits.

If you haven't used your drinking water supply for six hours or more, run cold water from the faucet until it is at its coldest point. The longer time it has been allowed to remain in your pipes at home, the more lead it may have accumulated. Whenever anyone in your household is consuming the water, including for use in baby formula, turn on only the cold tap. The hot water line is likely to contain greater levels of lead. Here's an environmentally friendly idea to add: use the water you flush out on your houseplants! It's a great way to reduce and reuse.

2. Get informed. Learn about the contaminants that may be in your tap water. Since 1999, municipal water works must publish a yearly report detailing the content of their drinking water to consumers. Officially called "Consumer Confidence Reports," community water suppliers serving over ten thousand people must deliver these reports directly to bill-paying customers. Renters can locate the reports on the internet or in the newspaper, among other public outlets. You can also specifically order the report from your local water provider-for instance, if you live in a community where less than ten thousand people are receiving "city water."

If you have "well water" or drinking water from some private source (surface water, spring, lake or reservoir) you are entirely responsible for the safety of your own drinking water at home. Equip yourself and other household members with the vital information that comes from a home test kit submitted for laboratory analysis. Then be sure to treat the water with a filtration system as needed, as well as to practice regular maintenance of the well, pump and pipes.

3. Assess your situation. Local groundwater conditions, the age of your house and the health concerns of each individual are all unique. Do not simply make the assumption that water is safe to drink just because it tastes fine and looks more or less clear. The truth is: most contaminants have no taste, odor or color. You will have greater security knowing that your water is safe by a careful examination of any public reports for your area. Then follow up with additional data from independent laboratories testing the water samples you submit. A combination of a home test kit and a water quality report should cover the basics: what levels of contaminants have been detected, and whether the levels detected violate any drinking water standards. Once you know what harmful substances you need to reduce, you will be better prepared to act.

4. Determine the best solution. Obviously, the highest priority consideration for selecting a water filtration system is that the purification method effectively reduces the contaminants of greatest concern in your unique situation. When comparing filters, be sure to examine the manufacturer's certified contaminant reduction listing, so that any treatment option you are evaluating will significantly reduce the specific pollutants about which you are concerned.

As a helpful starting point, consider the following criteria in this order:

the highest performance (your filter consistently reduces the specific contaminants of concern) at the lowest price (start-up cost, plus regular replacement cartridge costs) with the least upkeep (minimal "wear and tear") for the longest lifespan.

5. Taste the filtered water difference. The filter you choose will largely depend on how much time and expense you are willing to invest in cleaner tap water. Here are a few general guidelines:

In the short term, your least expensive option at the outset will be point-of-use applications, such as a faucet mount filter, water pitcher filter or refrigerator cartridge. If you are primarily concerned about chlorine taste and odor issues, these would be an excellent starting point. Some of the more advanced models at your faucet or in your fridge will offer additional contaminant removal as well, but your cost per gallon when you figure in replacement filters is much higher than more advanced systems that may initially cost more to install.
If you are willing to invest more upfront, other point-of-use systems might offer you greater value in the long run. You could consider a two-stage under-sink system with ten-inch standard carbon filters to reduce not only particulates and chlorine taste/odor, but other contaminants as well. Ideally, however, you will reduce virtually all total dissolved solids most effectively with a reverse osmosis (RO) system in typically three to five stages. After an RO system's sediment and carbon pre-filters, an additional RO membrane purifies water through the tiny pores of a thin film to further reduce nearly all other substances from the water.
Point of entry (or whole house) water filter systems can also serve as a larger pre-filter of sorts at the very location where the water source first enters your home's plumbing. Twenty-inch or ten-inch "big blue" housings (nicknamed for the industry standard sizes) can be especially helpful for pulling the dirt and chlorine out-not only before you drink the water, but before you bathe in it or wash your clothes in it. You could then further filter the water at the point of use (under your sink or in your fridge, for instance) to reduce chemical impurities even more.

In conclusion: Run the tap to flush out lead. Then get information, make an assessment and consider your options. The more you know before you make your final filter purchase, the better your results will be.

Five Steps to Cleaner Tap Water: Reduce Contaminants and Improve Taste

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Testing of Private Well Water Is Critical to Your Family's Health During Flooding

!9# Testing of Private Well Water Is Critical to Your Family's Health During Flooding

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As water travels around the earth, it can pick up a number of contaminants. When heavy rains or flooding occurs as it will in the upcoming winter months, private drinking water wells can become contaminated with the excess waters.

If your private well water source was covered with floodwater, is located very near a flooded area, or there is a change in quality - odor or taste - assume that there may be contamination, take all precautions and get it tested as soon as possible.

Contact your Health Department district office or local health officer for information on private well water in your area and for disinfection instructions. If you think that your drinking water may be affected there are many safety guidelines to follow to help you stay safe until you can purchase the right drinking water treatment system.

Until a test confirms that your water is safe, boil water for one minute before use in drinking, cooking, making juice or ice, washing fruits and vegetables and brushing teeth. Shower with caution when on a boil-water notice. Avoid getting water in eyes, mouth and wounds. Do not allow children to swallow bath water if on a boil-water notice. If there is a smell of petroleum or fuel, do not drink or use water at all for cooking, bathing or washing. Use bottled water or water from a known safe source.

Residents who get their drinking water from a public system should look for boil water or other instructions put out by their own system. With so many differences in concentrations of contaminants from well to well, households need to be diligent and test their own wells. A laboratory will report most results in measurement units such as mg/L, milligrams per liter; or ug/L, micrograms per liter.

Well water quality can change over time, so a good well test result doesn't mean the water you're drinking today will be safe tomorrow. Even if the home has a water treatment system, it should be tested regularly. Machinery ages through time as it is used and keeping it maintained is also important. An improperly maintained well water treatment system can also pose health risks.

Homeowners with private wells flooded or damaged by a storm should consider their wells contaminated and disinfect their wells before resuming their use. This is at the forefront of many peoples mind as many states deal with the effects left behind from Hurricane Irene.

For more information about drinking water safety after a flood, go to the Health Department's website anytime or call your local well water professional during regular business hours. Trust the water experts and make sure to ask a professional. Water is important to our health and safety at home.

Testing of Private Well Water Is Critical to Your Family's Health During Flooding

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Friday, September 30, 2011

What is the difference between the purchase of distilled water and filtered drinking water?

!9# What is the difference between the purchase of distilled water and filtered drinking water?

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When I watch TV, there are many spots on the bottled water. Some of them distilled for the cleanest. When I look at the food trade for bottled water, I can still use these labels appear in front of me. I bet you wonder, what exactly is the difference between these systems.

Let us first start with filtered water. This really is the simplest form of water purification. Its biggest advantage is that it helps to reduce the taste and smell of chlorine. You can see this type ofthe system in most devices like washing machines, coffee makers and refrigerators. However, some experts say that does not really get rid of most contaminants, which can lead to health problems such as viruses. These things are too small to be filtered through a standard filter system.

This brings us to the cleaning process. This second type is the best cleaning system. It helps to get rid of impurities that could not be removed by normal filtration system. Viruses, cysts,and pesticides can be removed from this.

Last but not least is the distillation. This was to be the best way for drinking water have been characterized. There are many companies that now provide for distilled water. In this system the water is boiled in addition to filtering and cleaning. This method helps get rid of any residual contamination and health risks in your water source. In this way, other pollutants will not be a leftist.

This is an expensive processif and pretty boring. Therefore, the home systems do not have this type of technology. If you want your distilled water, you need a reliable company that you have been with distilled water, to find supplies. The great thing about this is that reuse of old bottles. The company will only clean the bottles for you so that it can still be reused.

You can also go to the cleaning systems. In this case, you can buy kits at home, you can easily install. Most of them are still reliable.You can also remove up to 99.99 percent of pollutants and the chlorine, lead, mercury, magnesium and calcium. You only need one that is a bit 'better than the rest to choose.

Maybe it should be replaced twice a year or so depending on the brand, to ensure that it remains in the top function. In this way you can really safe to drink and drinking water.

What is the difference between the purchase of distilled water and filtered drinking water?

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Selecting the right water softener shower

!9# Selecting the right water softener shower

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The market is full of water softener products. The main problem is likely to endure, you select the best option. You can also buy a product to clean the water for some parts of your home. To find the water softener shower. Companies that produce these types of water softeners are many. Collection, for those who could use the elements of something simple. Those who buy may not have difficulty in deciding on the best plasticizer. Some factors areAlways determine the type of softener you could buy. These are:

• Price - this is always the first thing people consider. The price of the product varies according to the manufacturer or wholesale dealer. It is up to you, the amount of dollars that can afford to spend on plasticizers decide. Of course, if you use the Internet, you will have to just lack of opportunity at a good price.

• Quality and effectiveness of the product - This is the other thingto consider. If you plan to spend a lot of money in a certain softening, please consider the quality as well. Some products of poor quality are not good for you. Soon you will be able to go shopping again, as the product is not actually reduce the water.

• Types - shower water softener is different. Some require a good system before they can begin to work, and returns the results. Others are harmless chemicals can be applied in person, by following the simple instructions.First, you need to search for all types of water softeners available. Then, analyze the extent of the problem of water treatment in your home. You could use a professional installer if you think your problem is serious.

• The brand - Some companies tend to have more than others. You should look for these brands. One can easily see by reading the best brands in online customer reviews. Customers always reveal good company products to others. An example of top brands in the productionThe Kenmore water softener contains. The company enjoys a worldwide reputation, largely because of its kitchen appliances. Port user-friendly products that also feature quality. You should really examine its product line of water softener shower, an element that you find the best solution. The other famous company Culligan. This gives you branded products for filtration and softening of hard water. You can find the products of both companies on the Internet easily. If you need a goodOffers of any kind, try the Amazon site as it is serious and gives you a range of products.

Shower water has many uses, including cleaning of the skin. When this water is not pure, which means that hardness minerals, then it is good for your skin. You have to make some of these minerals can be used badly by clear water. If you follow the above factors and others, will surely be able to buy the best shower water softener. Take time for a search by productIn the future I do not regret buying it. This is the only way to handle any problems that cause hard water in your daily life to avoid.

Selecting the right water softener shower

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Aquasana EQ-300R Main Filter Rhino Replacement

!9# Aquasana EQ-300R Main Filter Rhino Replacement

Brand : Aquasana | Rate : | Price : $639.20
Post Date : Aug 19, 2011 12:21:25 | Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Aquasana EQ-300R Main Filter Unit Main filter replacement for the EQ-300 Whole House Water Filter System. This high capacity, dual-chamber water filter unit should be replaced every 3 years or 300,000 gallons of use. * The average usage for a family of 4-5 is 100,000 gallons/year.

  • Replaces the main filter in Aquasana Rhino EQ-300 systems
  • Whole house replacement filter lasts 3 years or 300,000 gallons

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Clearwave Electronic Water Softener System

!9#Clearwave Electronic Water Softener System

Brand : L.L.C.
Rate :
Price : $0.00
Post Date : Aug 06, 2011 06:46:35
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Use less soap, and remove scale from your pipes - continuously, automatically and for only about in electricity a year. Clearwave is the most advanced computerized anti-scale device available today. Its computer chip is programmed to bombard water passing through your pipe with over 200 different electromagnetic low frequency pulses. These electromagnetic pulses have been scientifically proven to increase the electromotive attraction potential of the water to mineral salts. The result is that the mineral salts (mainly calcium bicarbonate) stays dissolved in the water instead of converting to insoluble calcium carbonate and attaching itself to the inside of pipes as scale. Existing scale in pipes, water heaters, toilets and faucets begin to soften and dissolve away. Recommended for dishwashers, washing machines, coffee makers, and boilers. Clearwave can even replace base exchange softening systems and the associated maintenance costs. Installation of the Clearwave is simple. Mount to the main incoming water pipe to the home with pipe clips, wrap the antenna leads around pipe and then plug into a 110V power supply. One unit handles incoming supply pipes up to 1" in diameter. For pipes 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" use two units in series. Works with all types of pipe including: copper, pvc, galvanized, and stainless steel. Manufacturer's part number CW-1.

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